Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hypocrites of the Supreme Court UNITE
Friday, January 25, 2008
Kucinich Drops Out - NO!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Remaining Candidates
Before I begin, let me emphasize that this is the longest election we've ever had (and I primarily blame the corporate media). A good chunk of the candidates suck. Most of them are liars. The media has really been controlling this election - we've been told for how long now that Hillary Clinton will be our next president despite the fact that a huge chunk of America hates her? Anyway - let me give you the rundown on who sucks the most and who sucks the least...
1 - Hillary Clinton. She had my respect once but quickly lost it when she voted for the resolution to declare the Iranian military a terrorist organization. She claims that it was to put pressure on Iran to stop supporting the insurgency. Whatever her reasons, her vote served to do nothing more than validate Bush's "Iran-is-the-new-Iraq-is-the-new-Afghanistan"-policy, oh and if the Iranian army is a terrorist group instead of a military than attacking them would be a police action instead of an act of war which mean - OH, it's FUCKING LEGAL for Bush to attack Iran. Which goes to show you, one cannot play to both sides!
2 - Barack Obama. I like some of what he has to say. I refuse to hold his "lack of experience" against him; it doesn't seem too fair. I think he's a great speaker, and if he does include people like the Clintons, Biden, Edwards, Kucinich, Hagel, and so forth in his cabinet, I'd be in full support of him. However, my primary concern is reducing the influences that big businesses have on the economy, and how the middle-class is being destroyed, and Obama has yet to convince me he'll do anything about that. But, some of his tax policies make me think he might be the new F.D.R. and give us the New New can only hope.
3 - John Edwards. Well here's someone who's a populist for sure, and I really hope he'll be the new Trustbuster in the way that Roosevelt was. He's said that he'd take federal financing for his campaign, which means that he does more than talk the talk. He seems iffy on issues like gay rights...but that might change if his wife has any influence. Most importantly - I think he'll stop the war in Iraq.
4 - Mike Gravel. I have to say, he has little chance of going anywhere. But I cannot think of a single issue to criticize him on.
5 - Dennis Kucinich. My favorite candidate. The only one who got it right at every step - voted against the "war" (it's really an occupation), against the Patriot Act, against H.R. 1955, and he brought up a resolution to consider impeachment hearings against Dick Cheney...twice. He will end the war. He will bring equality. He will be a trustbuster. Most importantly, though, he'd pursue Bush & Cheney as war criminals in court. He has my full support. Oh, and shut up about how he saw a "U.F.O.!"
1 - Rudy Gulianni. Oh here's someone who knows how to responsibly handle money (!) In the words of Senator Joe Biden, every sentence of his contains three things "a noun, a verb, and 9/11." But in all seriousness, he SUCKS THE CORPORATE COCK! He tries to run his campaign off of fear, and quite frankly, I think he's trying to scare people into voting for him, which were the same tactics Bush used to get the war passed - it's called shock and awe. Plus he's a liberal running on a conservative ticket. He's a hypocrite.
2 - Mitt Romney. I love how he said he'd never let a Muslim in his cabinet because their religion is not well represented in the population enough to deserve that high a position, yet he's a Mormon running for fucking president! It's great to see that hypocrisy is still alive and well. All of that aside, he's a closet liberal too; just take a look at his records from Massachusetts. There's so much to criticize him on, I don't know where to start.
3 - Mike Huckabee. I have to say, I do like the fact that he's a populist, the Republican Party needs a non-corporate voice. That aside I think he might want a theocracy. He claims that he spoke incorrectly when he said he wanted the Constitution to reflect the Bible, and that he only meant that Abortion and Gay Marriage should be outlawed...I guess the history of alcohol prohibition taught him nothing. Even if we were a Christian nation (which we're not, our laws are NOT based off of the Bible, they're based off of the Magna Carta, which was based off of British common law, which predates Christianity in Britain), if our founders wanted our Constitution to be more like the Bible they wouldn't have written the Constitution, they would've rewritten the book of Leviticus!
4 - John McCain. I used to have respect for this guy...then he started to support the Occupation in Iraq and turned into a Bush-pussy. I respect his military career and many of his ideas; for instance: decreasing government spending and that water boarding is torture. But I don't want our military to be in Iraq for the next 100 years. This "war" has already lasted longer than WWII.
5 - Ron Paul. Technically he's a Libertarian. In any case, though, I have to say I support many of his social policies. His economic policies are FUCKING RETARDED! Historically, Laissez-Faire societies fail, generally speaking. We need a government unless we want to end up like Italy - we don't need mob rule. Although, not giving corporate tax-cuts is smart...we still need taxes, especially if we're going to repay our debt.
6 - Alan Keyes. He's so unimportant right now...but (for the most part) reread the IDEAS expressed in my rant about Huckabee.
7 - Hugh Cort. I have never heard of him, I blame the corporate media. Maybe he's a great candidate - maybe he sucks...we may never know.
8 - Dan Gilbert. Reread what I wrote about Hugh Cort.
1 - Michael Bloomberg. I hope he doesn't run, because 3rd party candidates are usually spoilers, but because unlike anyone from the Green or Constitution parties, he actually has a chance, I'm writing this. I support some of his positions, but I think he give too much to corporations...but on the plus side, he's so fucking rich that he wouldn't have to payback any of his campaign contributors with policy changes - because he'd be the only contributor. And Chuck Hagel (his supposed V.P.) ROCKS! I love how he totally owned General Petreus during the hearings. If only more Republicans were like him.
So there's my rant. In short - I support a ticket that will never occur: Kucinich-Edwards '08!